Key Challenges Faced by Non-Governmental Organisations in India

This article dives into some of these challenges faced by non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in India and explores potential solutions for overcoming them.

India is known all over the world as a land of diversity, culture and spirituality, but amidst its vibrant tapestry lies a harsh reality that cannot be ignored. The vast majority of India’s population lives in poverty and struggles to access basic necessities such as food, education and healthcare. In this context, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) play a crucial role in providing aid and support to those who are most marginalised in society. However, despite their noble intentions and tireless efforts, NGOs in India face several key challenges that hinder their ability to bring about lasting change.

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How STEM Can Make a Difference in Reducing Poverty in Mauritius

This article explores the power of STEM in reducing poverty in Mauritius and how it can ultimately empower communities to shape the future of Mauritius.

Mauritius is a country with a promising future. However, like many nations, it faces the challenge of poverty, particularly in some of its communities. In pursuing sustainable development and a brighter future for all Mauritians, the integration of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) plays a crucial role.

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Major Challenges Faced by NGOs in India and How They Overcome Them

In recent years, we’ve seen an exponential rise in the number of NGOs in India dedicated to serving humanity and uplifting disadvantaged communities. However, despite their noble mission and immense dedication towards helping others, these organisations face a plethora of complex challenges.

From difficulty obtaining funds for their work to inadequate infrastructure support, Non-Governmental Organisations are constantly striving just to survive – let alone thrive – within India’s unpredictable environment. To learn more about the hurdles faced by these courageous men and women, as well as how they go about overcoming them, keep reading!

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6 Sins of NGOs in Mauritius and How to Avoid Them

In this blog post, we will explore each sin in-depth and discuss ways for NGOs in Mauritius (and beyond) to ensure compliance and ethical behaviour when carrying out their mission. So, keep reading if you want your organisation’s impact projects to run smoothly, no matter what!

For an NGO to truly make a difference, it must function according to best practices and constantly remain vigilant against common mistakes. Every nation has its own unique set of circumstances that can lead NGOs astray. Still, in Mauritius, there are six sins which should be especially avoided if organisations wish to see positive change: inadequate consultation with local populations, reliance on external stakeholders without proper accounting systems, lack of detailed project plans and budgets, failure to adhere fully to donor requirements or regulations; poor communication strategies with authorities or between members of the organisation itself; and overlooking financial management guidelines.

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The One Thing All Successful NGOs Have in Common: A Robust Financial Framework

 “The ‘financial framework’ is the term for the policies, procedures, regulations and standing orders we use to make sure we’re taking proper care of public money.” – Powys County Council

Similar to a business, it is imperative to establish a robust financial framework for an NGO. A financial framework provides an organised system that guides and supports the financial operations and structure of the organisation.  It includes internal financial control mechanisms to prevent financial mismanagement such as misuse or theft of funds and assets, non-compliance of an organisation or government policies and regulations, and inaccurate financial reporting. NGOs also face several problems, including inadequate resources, lack of capacity building, lack of performance measurement instruments, and inefficient management. Setting up a proper financial framework will help resolve some, if not all, of them.

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Tricks on How NGOs Can Survive Without Funding

Anne Frank once wrote, “No one has ever become poor by giving”. But to give, you need to have. Every organisation needs funding to operate. Like any organisation, NGOs need money to cover their costs- capital costs, operation costs, overhead costs, staff costs, etc. NGOs, in particular, depend primarily on grants and donations for survival.

What happens when the organisation runs out of money? Donations are made at random, and grants are often subjected to conditions. With a limited budget and uncertain cash inflow, NGOs often have to curtail their spending at the cost of quantity and quality of their work. Under these circumstances, NGOs find it difficult to plan for the long term and ensure the longevity of their humanitarian programmes. Preemptively, NGOs should develop a stable funding source and steadily achieve autonomy from donor funds and grants.

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10 Fascinating Reasons People Like How YUVA Helped Tackle COVID-19 in Mauritius

YUVA adapted its existing programmes to operate remotely or with physical distancing in the wake of the pandemic. Since we were already intimately connected with our beneficiaries and constituents, we did our best to respond to immediate needs in new ways.

Firstly, YUVA secured a special license called the “Work Access Permit” from the Government of Mauritius to be able to execute the following:

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